Teacher Kay Hall Recognized for VFW National EducationTeacher Award Nomination

Mrs. Hall receives award
Mrs. Hall received a special award from the Lucerne Valley Unified School District on Thursday, February 9, 2023 for being nominated by VFW Post #5551 for the VFW National Education Teacher Award. From left, Superintendent Peter Livingston, Jessica Risler (school board president), Chelsea LaGrange (board vice-president), Mrs. Kay Hall, Jason Hansen (board member) and Jim Harvey (board member). Photo by Peter Day
LUCERNE VALLEY, Calif. — The Lucerne Valley Unified School District on Thursday recognized teacher Kay Hall for being nominated by the Veterans of Foreign War Post #5551 for the VFW National Education Teacher Award.
Superintendent Peter Livingston presented the district’s recognition award to Mrs. Hall, who has been a teacher at Lucerne Valley Elementary School for 25 years.
Each year since 1999, the VFW selects elementary, middle, and high school teachers to participate in the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher program. This annual contest recognizes the nation’s top classroom teachers who teach citizen education topics regularly and promote America’s history and traditions effectively. Mrs. Hall, who currently teaches 4th grade, is one of those special teachers.
Mr. Livingston said, Mrs. Hall was recognition for “promoting citizenship education in her classroom in her school.”
Her nomination was recommended by Middle School teacher Mrs. Cynthia McDonough. Mrs. McDonough’s recommendation highlighted a few of the many accomplishments the veteran teacher of 31 years has made at the Elementary School. Mrs. Hall has worked with Eagle leadership, the LVES Drama Club and many other activities at the school site. 
Mr. Livingston shared a portion of Mrs. McDonough’s nomination letter during the meeting:
“In her classroom she’s done many things to celebrate our veterans, writing letters to veterans on Veterans Day, modeling how to show respect when standing to recite the ‘Pledge of Allegiance.” When Mrs. Hall taught 5th grade, she taught the United States and the U.S. Constitution, brought in a lot of engaging activities, and taught the importance of the Preamble of our Constitution.
“Mrs. Hall is an exemplary role model of what it means to be a proud American,” Mr. Livingston said.