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In The News: Lucerne Valley STEM lab, Courtney featured in education magazine

By Peter Day
The Lucerne Valley Unified School District’s pioneering Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Lab and longtime school board member Tom Courtney are featured in the winter issue of California Schools, a quarterly publication of the California School Boards Association.
Courtney, who has been a member of the school board for a quarter of a century, shares his experience and observations in a question-and-answer profile featuring a full-page photo. He discusses his inspiration, duties as a LVUSD board member, favorite books and favorite teacher.
In a separate article focusing on the STEM lab at Lucerne Valley Elementary School, Courtney shares his excitement for the new Bud Biggs STEM Lab and what it means to district students. Earlier this fall, he and numerous dignitaries, including CSBA President Mike Walsh, attended a STEM lab dedication ceremony that thoroughly impressed attendees.
“The excitement that I saw at that dedication was the most excitement I have ever seen in this small town,” Courtney was quoted as saying in the article. “It doesn’t matter how big or little you are, it’s how big you dream.”
Below is a link to the feature article on the pioneering STEM lab at Lucerne Valley Elementary School.
Below is a link to the winter 2018 issue of the CSBA magazine. The profile feature article on Tom Courtney is on page 19.
Peter Day is a social media advisor for the Lucerne Valley Unified School District.