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6th through 8th

Grade Span 6th-8th

Click Here for the 6th to 8th Grade Week 3 Packet

Time Frame








Note: here are the choices for Non-Fiction Read & Respond:

  • Make a graphic organizer showing the central idea and supporting details of the informational text or book you read.
  • Write a letter to your teacher about the facts you learned from your non-fiction book.
  • What are five new words you learned from this book? Illustrate the words and use them in your own sentences.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Explain how you think the author could change the story and why you think that would make it better.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Write a poem about the part you read, emphasizing the characters and the main events.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Read the article Self Reflection. Answer the question givenWrite additional questions about the article. Answer each question. Cite textual evidence to support your answer.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Create a 6-8 panel comic strip of the part of the story you read.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Read the article Limited Resources. Answer the questions. Do your own research on other natural resource we have available. What are they used for and what are the difference ways we can conserve them?
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Draw a picture that includes all of the main characters in the stoy and explain the importance of each one.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Do the Write the Conclusion: Hawaii, the Aloha State
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: What life lesson did you learn from this story? Explain how you can apply it in your own life.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.





  • Eureka Math Lesson 27
  • Eureka Math Lesson 27
  • Eureka Math Lesson 28
  • Eureka Math Lesson 28
  • Eureka Math Lesson 29





  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article “Uproar Over the Stamp Act” (see the “Marking the Text Strategies Overview” document for help)
  • Answer the questions from the document titled "Uproar Over the Stamp Act DBQs"
  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article “The townshend Acts and Committees of Correspondence” (see the “Marking the Text Strategies Overview” document for help)
  • Answer the questions from the document titled “The townshend Acts and Committees of Correspondence DBQs”
  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article “The Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party” (see the “Marking the Text Strategies Overview” document for help)
  • Complete “The Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party” document by taking notes, writing in questions, and developing a summary on the article you read (see the Cornell Notes Overview Document” for help)
  • Review your notes and the article “The Intolerable Acts”
  • Answer the questions from the document titled “The Intolerable Acts DBQs”

Use your 'marke up' readings and your responses to the DBQs from this week to write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay on the answering the following prompt:

  • The colonists were right to declare Independence from Britain.

Be sure to defend your response with evidence fro the texts you read this week.

Introduction: Be sure to include your thesis and 4 resons/pieces of evidence that support your thesis.

Body paragraph 1: 1st reason/piece of evidence from the text that supports your thesis.

Body paragraph 2: 2nd reason/piece of evidence from the text that supports your thesis.

Body paragraph 3: 3rd reason/piece of evidence from the text that supports your thesis.

Conclusion: restate your thesis and 3 reasons/pieces of evidence that support your thesis.





  • Begin Honesty Activity: Answer the two pages of questions about honesty. Throughout the week, pick the 3-4 questions that you are most interested in exploring further and ask those adults and teens you interact with through social media, in your family of on the phone for their answers to the questions you selected. You will use their responses later in the week.
  • Complete Self Awareness Inventory (1 page)
  • Problem Solving Steps Activity: this activity will help you identify the steps needed to solve a problem (4 pages)
  • Conversation Starters Activity: What are some phrases that you can use to start a conversation? If you cannot think of enough phrases to fill the 6 bubbles, ask an adult or peer to assist you.
  • Finding Common Ground Worksheet: Using social media or members of your family, interact with 4 people to determine what you have in common. Complete the grid. Exampled are included.
  • Complete the Honesty conversation bubbled from the responses you have received throughout the week (1 page)
  • Complete the Thought Bubble with your definition of honesty and your personal opinion about Honesty (1 page).





  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article "Weather or Not" Complete the vocabulary assignment. Select 4 additional words from the article to add to the vocabulary list. Write the definition for the words. Use the words in a sentence.
  • Read the article "Weather or Not" again. Time how quickly you are able to read the article. Read Comprehension questions 1-7. Respond to questions 8-10 in complete sentences. Highlight or underline the answers that you find in the text. Mark the answers for questions 1 through 10.
  • Read the article "Weather or Not." Time yourself reading the article again. try to see if you can beat the time from yesterday. Write a summary about the article.
  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article "The Simple Physics of Soccer" Find two sentences in the article that you would like to respond to, rewrite them and then analyze them further through your experiences. EX: What is required to make a ball move faster? After reading thi article...
  • Re0read the article, read Comprehension questions 1-10. Highlight or underline the answers that you find in the text. Mark the answers for questions 1 through 7. Respond to the questions 8-20 with complete sentences. Highlight or underline the answers that you find in the text. Mark the answers for questions 1 through 10.


Click Here for the 6th to 8th Grade Week 2 Packet

Time Frame








Note: here are the choices for Non-Fiction Read & Respond:

  • Make a graphic organizer showing the central idea and supporting details of the informational text or book you read.
  • Write a letter to your teacher about the facts you learned from your non-fiction book.
  • What are five new words you learned from this book? Illustrate the words and use them in your own sentences.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Write a newspaper article including the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) of a main event in the story.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Write about an event in the story from another character’s point of view.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Read the article Hide and Seek. Answer the questions and study the underlined vocabulary words further using your Vocabulary Journal.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: What would you say to a character in the story if you could talk to them?
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Read the article Extreme Weather. Answer the questions and study the underlined vocabulary words further using your Vocabulary Journal.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: Compare the main character to someone you know and explain at least four ways that they are alike or different.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.
  • Reading: Start your day with a nice reading material (Your A.R. book, a magazine article, etc.)
  • Read & Respond: What life lesson did you learn from this story? Explain how you can apply it in your own life.
  • Complete your Vocabulary Journal on words you’re learning from your reading.
  • Writing: Refer to the list of Middle School Writing Prompts. Pick your choice and follow directions.





  • Eureka Math Pages 108-109
  • Eureka Math Pages 110-111
  • Eureka Math Pages 112-113
  • Eureka Math Pages 114-115
  • Eureka Math Pages 116-118





  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article “Causes of the American Revolution” (see the “Marking the Text Strategies Overview” document for help)
  • Complete “The Olmec Cornell Notes” document by taking notes, writing in questions, and developing a summary on the article you read (see the Cornell Notes Overview Document” for help)
  • Review your notes and the article “The Olmec”
  • Answer the questions from the document titled “The Olmec DBQs”
  • Use your Marking the Text Strategies as you read the article “Andean and Chavin Civilizations” (see the “Marking the Text Strategies Overview” document for help)
  • Complete “Andean and Chavin Civilizations Cornell Notes” document by taking notes, writing in questions, and developing a summary on the article you read (see the Cornell Notes Overview Document” for help)
  • Review your notes and the article “The Olmec”
  • Answer the questions from the document titled “Andean and Chavin Civilizations DBQs”

Write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting The Olmec and Andean Societies

Introduction: be sure to include your thesis and similarities/differences

Body paragraph 1: 1st similarity or difference and evidence from the text

Body paragraph 2: 2nd similarity of difference and evidence from the text

Body paragraph 3: 3rd similarity of difference and evidence from the text

Conclusion: restate your thesis and similarities/differences





  • Read “Boundaries at school”
  • Boundaries at school-Questionnaire
  • Brain Freezers
  • Brain Freezers






  • Corona Virus Lesson
  • Corona Virus Lesson
  • Corona Virus Lesson
  • Corona Virus Lesson
  • Corona Virus Lesson


Click Here for the 6-8 Grade Week 1 Packet

Time Frame







  • Read your A.R. book or another available reading material.
  • Refer to Read-and-Respond Choice Board and follow directions given.
  • Work on one Every-Day Edit
  • Read “Galileo and His Telescope” and answer the question/s given using the ACE format.
  • Refer to the Read-and-Respond Choice Board and follow directions given.
  • Choose four of the underlined vocabulary words and answer the Vocabulary Journal
  • Work on one Every-Day Edit
  • Choose four others of the underlined vocabulary words in the passage “Galileo and His Telescope” and answer the ocabulary:Frayer Diagram.
  • Answer Look Around! Meaning in Context
  • Work on Writing Introductions: Thesis Sentence
  • Work on one Every-Day Edit
  • Read your A.R. book or another available reading material.
  • Refer to Read-and-Respond Choice Board and follow directions given.
  • Refer back to Writing Introductions: Thesis Sentence.
  • Choose one topic and develop it into a 3-paragraph essay following the ACE format.
  • Work on one Every-Day Edit





  • Complete Math Day 1, pages 1-6
  • Complete Math Day 2, pages 1-6
  • Complete Math Day 3, pages 1-6
  • Complete Math Day 4, pages 1-6





  • Read “Real Talk: Fun Facts About Presidents #1-44” pages 1-2 
  • Summarize the article in your own words using a minimum of 10 sentences
  • Using the data chart from the document “President's Heights,” answer the questions on page 4 titled “U.S. Presidents: How Do They Measure Up?”
  • Using the graph from yesterday (page 4, “President’s Heights”) and the graph paper on page 5, graph the heights of Presidents #1-44
  • Complete page 6, “How Many Kids Are In School This Year”





  • Complete Social Media Writing Prompts, Surveys, and More! Worksheets 1-2
  • Complete Social Media Writing Prompts, Surveys, and More! Worksheets 3
  • Complete Social Media Writing Prompts, Surveys, and More! Worksheets 4
  • Complete Social Media Writing Prompts, Surveys, and More! Worksheets 5-6





  • Read the cartoons on page 1, “Who is More Likely to Get the Corona Virus”
  • Answer all the Multiple Choice Questions at the bottom of page 1
  • Choose two of your answers from page 1, “Who is More Likely to Get the Corona Virus.”  Draw a picture for each of your two answers AND write at least two sentences justifying why EACH of your answer is correct (use evidence from the cartoon). 
  • Read “Siberian Tiger” on page 2
  • Answer the “Multiple Choice Questions” on age 3
  • Answer the “Short Answer Questions” on page 4